Sunday, September 23, 2007

I'm Back!

Once again, you can tell that I put a lot of deep thought into my post title. But...I"M NOT DEAD!!! YAY!!!!! I took a break for summer and the beginning of school, but now I am back to the nerdiness. Yippee! Now for an update on my social life. Won't this be fascinating. I have a bunch of friends at my new school, but NO GRACIE!!!!! :( That sucks...but I do see her at band competitions. Last time, she whacked me in the chest with a triangle and mallet. Owie. Mia is meh bestest buddy, I got dumped (yup, fourth week of school and we've had more drama going on than the school play, which btw, I didn't get in. Damn) I can bowl now, I made friends with "Rocky Top Kids" I had sworn never to acknowledge as humans as opposed to hairless monkeys, and I got a cell phone. Finally. I'm saving for a PSP right now. SO CLOSE! 20 friggin bucks away. -_- Ah well. G2g feed the pigs. No, I'm not on a farm. Guinea pigs.

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