Monday, September 24, 2007

I Lurve eBay

The topic has nothing to do with da post.

I'm still in Homecoming Hell...I don't know which group I should go with! Mia? Dani and Jamie? Anime Club? Porky the Penguin? The Smurf hitman gang? I CAN'T DECIDE!!! THOSE SMURFS ARE JUST TOO SEXY!!!!!

Yes, I had over two sodas today.

I have sooo much homework...I'm procrastinating right now. And it's a Monday. Monday's suck unless it's a long weekend or the school has collapsed. (For legal reasons, I will say I do NOT intend to do anything with the school but attend my classes. Thank you, government bots.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol. i don't think it matters who you go with. show up, and hang with whichever group you feel like. you having fun in school so far? i can honestly say that the strangest part, is that i feel like a juvenile delinquent, especially during my lunch hour... one of the hall monitor peoples follows me and my friend when we leave the gorge, so we take long, roundabout routes to go to our lockers (which we apparently aren't supposed to do), and to get to the band room to wait for our next class. It makes me giggle =P
