Friday, April 25, 2008

Mr. Burns Office Edition I

Hopefully, I can post anually during weekdays from Mr. Burn's (my counselor) office.

Erin is sitting across from me right now and is laughing inside at my insanity. But it's okay.

Some people, face it, are just all around bitches that have absolutely no cares for anyone or anything that is beyond their small bubble of bitchiness. Pardon my language. But seriously, the people who are continually being deragatory to both their peers and superiors are the worst to be around. Normally, I would voice such a concern directly to the individual in question, but when that person is best friends with a friend of yours, that decision is much harder to make.

The majority of the What-Would-Jesus-Do type of population would just advise me to speak to the person to their face and 'tell them how I feel,' but this simply is not a realistic answer to this problem. When the girl is so well liked by the popular crowd, it's almost social suicide to even discuss the matter with the lowest nerd on the high school heiarchy ladder. I have to go now, cuz Mr. Burns is here.

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